

Tortellini are an amazing meal coming from Emilia Romagna, one of best places to eat in Italy.

100 gr beef

100 gr pork

1 onion chopped

80 gr mortadella

150 gr Parmigiano

salt pepper nutmeg

20 gr butter

1 egg

50 gr butter

400 gr cream

salt pepper


Melt the butter in a pan and add the onion. Cook until transparent and then add the meats cut in cubes. Once the meats are cooked let them cool down and then blend the meat meat, mortadella, salt, pepper, nutmeg and Parmigiano. Pour filling into a bowl and mix with one egg. Make small squares of 4 cm per side on the pasta layer. Put a spoon of the meaty filling (2 grams) at the centre of every square. Fold like a triangle and press the pasta sheets together to seal the edges, squeezing out as much air as possible. Bend the tip and roll the side edges on your small finger and close. Boil water in a deep pan and season with salt. When the water boils, add the tortellini. Take out 1

glass of cooking water. Drain the tortellini. Sautè for a couple of minutes in the butter and cream and serve warm garnishing with black pepper and Parmigiano. Enjoy it

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